Welcome to Lehman Township Municipal Website

The 2025 Clean up Days have been set click Here to go to the calender of events to see the dates and times.

The recreational burn ban has been lifted.

The entrance to Lehman Township Park is now closed. Please use the service entrance to enter the park. Dogs can still be walked at the lower section of the park. The walking path is closed until further notice.

Pike County Area Agancy on Aging Notice (Please Read)

The Commissioners opened up the Spongy Moth Cost-Share portal this morning, Monday, January 6th for landowners seeking financial assistance in spraying for the 2025 season.

Please visit our website at: www.pikepa.org/spongymoth for information on aerial applicators, spray products, as well as the cost-share application should you decide to contract for spraying with your neighbors. The County is offering a 25% reimbursement program for aerial applications using Bt that are 25 acres+ in size.

Landowners living in a community association are encouraged to check with their HOA first to see if the community is planning to spraying.

If you haven’t yet talked to your neighbors, I would suggest doing that asap. I would also recommend contacting a few applicators to check pricing and get their treatment suggestions.

Once you have contracted with an applicator, you can return to our website and complete the “Spongy Moth Suppression Cost-Share Program Application”. Our partial reimbursement program is a first come, first served offer so we are encouraging interested landowners to act fast.


Jessica R. Yoder

Assistant Planning Director

Preservation Planner

Pike County Planning & Mapping

506 Broad Street

Milford, PA 18337

Phone: 570-296-3500 x1382

Find Pike Outdoors on Instagram / Facebook


Bushkill Gateway Transportation implovement plan

These links will download .zip files to your computer which you can then open locally and view the plan and appendix documents.

Gateway Transportation Improvement Plan 1 of 2 (465 Mb)

Gateway Transportation improvement plan 2 of 2 (206 Mb)

Lehman Township Comprehensive Plan

Lehman Township Comprehensivw Plan High Resolution (higher resolution PDF file)

Lehman Township Comprehensive Plan low Resolution (lower resolution PDF file)

Bushkill Outreach News Release

Bushkill Outreach application

Important contact information for Pike County

We have a new Facebook page, Lehman Township Bushkill, PA.  Please like this new page to get updates about Lehman Township and no longer follow the old Facebook page.

Dickson House childeren’s advocacy center

Lehman Township is a Second Class Township governed by a Board of Supervisors, which are elected at large by the qualified voters of the Township. Each Board of Supervisors is elected for the term of six years. Their responsibilities include: to establish commissions and authorities, to maintain the roads, to prepare the building and zoning regulations, and to ensure that the community’s health, safety and welfare needs are adequately addressed. The Township Secretary/Treasurer, who is appointed by the Board of Supervisors, is in charge of all Township monies.

Lehman Township has been an established community since 1829. It is a residential community with beautiful scenery, surrounded by the Delaware National Park Service. The Township lies between Porter, Middle Smithfield and Delaware Townships. It is the home of the famous Bushkill Falls.

Listed on the tax rolls for Upper Smithfield Township in 1815 was Joseph Leighman, paying 55 cents on 442 acres. In 1824 his name was spelled Leaman and by 1832 it was Lehman. The Township is approximately 48.9 square miles or approximately 31,296 acres.

All meetings are held in the Lehman Township Municipal Building Municipal Drive Bushkill PA. The Township meetings are on the second Thursday of each month at 3:00 p.m. and additional meetings are scheduled as needed.
Planning Commission:
Second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. as needed